Sunday, June 28, 2015

Smashed Cherry IPA

13lbs Marris Otter 2 Row

4oz Citra

White Labs Dusseldorf WLP036 (harvested from the Summer Strawberry Wheat)

Notes made before brewing started:
Want to understand and target a grist/water ratio.
Want to understand the pH of the mash - targeting a 5.2.

Mash Notes:
Was aiming for 13 x 1.5qts (1.5qts/lb) but only had to add 11 x 1.5qts (1.27qts/lb).
First mash rest temperature of 155°F.
Looked to be 5.5pH from test strips. After mash sample was taken from top of mash tun, let it cool and pH meter was 6pH. Second reading about ½ way through the mash was 5.77pH

06/28/2015 - Brew Day
PreBoil: 1.052
OG: 1.060
FG: 1.010
ABV: 6.5%

7/15/2015 - Racked to secondary, added cherry juice and 2oz whole cone dry hop.

7/25/2015 - 54 bottle yield