Probably to start this off, it should be mentioned that this beer costed $16.68 for 44 - 12oz bottles. Also, the name of this beer was developed about 5 months after it was brewed, when I was scrambling to remember what exactly happened on brew day! Luckily I found my receipt from the homebrew shop that helped me with the ingredient list. I was also able to collaborate some of the details out of text conversations between Brett (not brettanomyces) and myself.
1lb Gambrinus Munich Malt
1 oz Citra
1 oz Summit
Safale S-04Brew Day - 08/31/2014
I don’t really know what happened this day.
Bottling - 11/23/2014
OG: 1.040
FG: 1.006
ABV: 4.5% before bottle conditioning
First Taste - Fallbrook (12/28/2014)
I remember Andrew really really enjoying it. I gave him about 8 bottles to take to State College -- the ones we didn't finish at Fallbrook. I didn't really enjoy the brew and I think it was due to traveling. The yeast really flavor really takes over.
Last Taste - 3/6/2015